Friday, January 30, 2009

I have been a bit food obsessed lately.

I feel like if I don't indulge myself I will die.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I really, really want this. I don't think it has speakers to play music out of, which almost makes it worthless but its so adorable. I guess it just moves to the beat of whatever music you're playing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I must be the luckiest girl in the whole world(maybe??)

Not only is Neko Case releasing a new album in March, but I just got an email saying she was going to be playing in Richmond on April 6th. This is the best news ever! I'm getting tickets today after work.

I put this obligatory tit shot up just for you!

(Apparently this photo is creepy, too! You know me...)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I need uv rays :(

The winter is kind of starting to get to me.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am cutting my hair again. (what's new?)
I want shorter, more asymmetrical bangs.
Wouldn't it be weird if I bleached my hair and went with another color?

Happy fucking Monday...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nike Halloween pack 2008

My Brother just bought these for me!

Black cats!

restoring order

I desperately need to shake my ass tonight and drink away my cold.

And I don't want to gossip about other people, lets just talk about me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How many cans could I fit inside my fridge?

(I need a 2nd refridgerator for my spare room)

cold remedy

I am convinced that if I pump my body full of vitamin C and cup o' noodles(chicken flavor), I will get better. I am so fatigued and I wish this cold would just hit me full force already so I can recover. Right now, its just kind of lingering.
I won't have time to rest this weekend, only tons of house work during the day and partying at night.
I need a nap.
Also, I love my new tattoo so much that I already want Shannon to draw me another. I don't know anyone else who can execute my weird, random ideas so flawlessly. <3

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm in my doors

changin' my deadbolts.
ASAP on Friday, January 16th.
p.s. I loathe Bacitracin Ointment, its repulsive.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

equal to

I think these might be the same thing.

Can I just say...

That with pet over-population as it is, you should be ashamed of yourself for buying a dog from a breeder. Sorry.

Monday, January 12, 2009

R.I.P Sparks-2002-2009

I am heartbroken over the discontinuation of Sparks.
January 10th was the last day they were manufactured and stores will sell them until the inventory runs out.
I will be over-indulging myself until then...see you in a drunken stupor!

p.s. Do you think a mall Santa has ever accidentally had a bOneR while someone is on his lap?

Weight Gain(who cares??)

Here is my weight gain plan/schedule due to start the beginning of next week:
  • Weight gaining shake before breakfast, on the way to work
  • Breakfast
  • Small snack before lunch
  • Lunch(I will attempt to eat at a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at least 3 times a week even though I hate them. They helped me gain last time.)
  • Dinner
  • Dessert
  • 2nd weight gaining shake just before bed, after 8pm

This is usually rough for me since I generally don't snack and I am a fairly healthy eater. I'll have to opt for higher calorie foods even though I'd rather eat something else.

I'm going to buy a scale beforehand so I can monitor what I gain/lose each day.

I know this probably sounds odd, but the best I have ever felt about myself physically was when I gained about 10lbs. Don't judge me.

Me too!

"Every time I am done taking a shower, I must brush my teeth. I have to do this even if they were brushed before I took my shower. I have to do this since I believe that my body is then cleaner than my mouth and brushing afterwards I feel that everything is equally clean."

Read on

Friday, January 09, 2009

This weekend:

I am making banana pancakes from scratch and horchata. I can't wait, I need to get back into baking nonstop again. I am going to attempt to make bread in the near future.
If it is at all possible, I am going to get my laptop. This will be awesome and I'll be able to start taking pictures again because I will have a place to store and edit them.
Also, I want a pair of boots. Really slutty ones.

And one of these:

It was beyond painful getting up this morning but dancing was sweet last night and so was the 2am car make-out session. <3<3

Thursday, January 08, 2009

"Women, when driven by rage or jealousy, are willing to do irrational things, willing to throw their standards and self-respect out the window to prove a greater point."

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

When you live inside a circle of salt, you're near the end of your days

Sometimes really good, creative ideas come out of days worth of really painful depression. I may internalize all my hurt, frustration, and jealousy and turn it into self-deprecation, but at least I haven't completely ruined myself yet.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

crab legs

I want to eat you for dinner.

I really hate myself sometimes. I just wish I would stop torturing myself.

Monday, January 05, 2009

so far, so good

My beloved ghost necklace that was given to me as a birthday gift by Charlie and lost a week later, was finally found. Its my favorite thing ever and I was heartbroken over its disappearance. Turns out it had just been misplaced in a drunken stupor.

Other awesome things 5 days into 2009:
  • Tattoo appointment with Shannon on the 13th(!!)
  • Turning my apartment into a funeral home/vampire's den very soon
  • Weight gain process beginning sometime next week
  • Being with the love of my life