Monday, January 12, 2009

Weight Gain(who cares??)

Here is my weight gain plan/schedule due to start the beginning of next week:
  • Weight gaining shake before breakfast, on the way to work
  • Breakfast
  • Small snack before lunch
  • Lunch(I will attempt to eat at a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at least 3 times a week even though I hate them. They helped me gain last time.)
  • Dinner
  • Dessert
  • 2nd weight gaining shake just before bed, after 8pm

This is usually rough for me since I generally don't snack and I am a fairly healthy eater. I'll have to opt for higher calorie foods even though I'd rather eat something else.

I'm going to buy a scale beforehand so I can monitor what I gain/lose each day.

I know this probably sounds odd, but the best I have ever felt about myself physically was when I gained about 10lbs. Don't judge me.

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