Sunday, February 15, 2009


I have realized that I can no longer nap, only go to bed early. This is a definite change from not only my past in general but every winter thus far in my life. Sleep has always been a method of escape for me, especially from depression. This has been the biggest change overall in the past year. I talk about it a lot, I think, but believe me when I say its kind of a big deal. Winter is usually a very long black hole. But this one has seemed short and with light at the end of the tunnel the entire way. I never thought it would be like this.
It's been a rough few weeks personally, but Charlie is the best support system in the world. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without him.
(Is this about my feelings?)

The Secret Life of Bees DVD menu = Frampton come alive! and a side profile of Lil' Wayne. Don't ask.

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