Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last beach day of 2009

Hey look at these beach bunnies!
And all that azz!

Believe me when I say it was chilly.

Um, wut?

Homemade peach mimosas.

Goodbye, forever.
(que dramatic music)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Getting my drink on(autumn edition)

Well, hello there...I missed you all summer.

Also, this. Based on the label and the fact that it tastes like pumpkin pie and is 10%.

And I got recommendations for Magic Hat's Odd Notion and Jinx.

You know I stick with the Black Label on most occasions, its my #1. I may also bust out a Sparks or two this October.

(I'm working but I wish I was drunk. Is it obvious?)

Monday, September 07, 2009

Tent City

Unfortunately the batteries in my camera died pretty early, so these were the only photos I got.
Camping is the shit. If you were there Saturday night, you know what's up.

Rape shower


Ryan, Davood, Jessica

Erecting(ew!) tent city

Grill master(photo cred: Davood)

Getting it in

Brent, Javy

Getting feasted on by mosquitos(aka malaria)

Nice ugg boots, Jessica

Christian's staff(6 shotgunned)

Sorry I cut your head off baby, you look like you're having a good time.

So, we(some of us who didn't pass out) ended up taking the dopest cab ride to Fan Plan and by morning we had finished the beer can pentagram.

Then this happened on Sunday:
"I wouldn't have done that if I was sober. But I FELT sober...even though we were drinking all day."
And that pretty much sums it all up.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Okay, so I know that its only the very beginning of September and I know that the cooler weather the past 2 days is just some sort of cock-tease. Everyone is writing about fall in some way and its totally getting me hyped this year. Here is a list of things I'm looking forward to:
  • wardrobe change(jeans, hoodies, scarves)
  • dusk in autumn(dark blue skies with black clouds)
  • the smell and electricity in the air
  • listening to OK Computer on repeat
  • Halloween
  • red wine
  • hot chocolate, tea
  • haunted hayrides, candy apples, cider
  • carving pumpkins

Also, our end of summer kick off is this weekend with Loose Lips 3 on Friday at Bar None and Fan Plan on Saturday at Jew Moms. I'd advise not to miss either one. Friday is a camp out at KOA and I hope you're coming.

p.s. This blog is almost 1 year old.

p.s.s. Dawn of the Dead is a good bedtime story.