Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Okay, so I know that its only the very beginning of September and I know that the cooler weather the past 2 days is just some sort of cock-tease. Everyone is writing about fall in some way and its totally getting me hyped this year. Here is a list of things I'm looking forward to:
  • wardrobe change(jeans, hoodies, scarves)
  • dusk in autumn(dark blue skies with black clouds)
  • the smell and electricity in the air
  • listening to OK Computer on repeat
  • Halloween
  • red wine
  • hot chocolate, tea
  • haunted hayrides, candy apples, cider
  • carving pumpkins

Also, our end of summer kick off is this weekend with Loose Lips 3 on Friday at Bar None and Fan Plan on Saturday at Jew Moms. I'd advise not to miss either one. Friday is a camp out at KOA and I hope you're coming.

p.s. This blog is almost 1 year old.

p.s.s. Dawn of the Dead is a good bedtime story.

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