Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So in love.

Tried these on Saturday. Will be purchasing sometime next month.

I should probably consider moving to a permanently warm location

It's funny how one full weekend of warm weather can affect my mood so completely. I feel lighter, my mind is free. I don't feel like my loved ones are out to get me. My drain is unclogged, the yard has been cleared of debris, some light weeding has been done. The windows are all open wide. Everything feels right with my world. I have an $8,000 check coming in the mail in the next 2 weeks, I'll have a new shed and an addition to the back deck. I can pay off a portion of my credit card. Every night is a cookout if we want it to be. I am making potato salad in large quantities again. All I want to do is mow the lawn and weedeat, plant flowers. I am making plans for tattoos and shorter hair. My dresses are getting shorter and the days are getting longer. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I just wanna fuck on a blanket in the woods on a warm day.

Anyways, I'll be in Philly in 2 weeks(?) or something. I hope I'm not driving.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Summer 2010

Its almost spring, daylight savings is in 2 weeks and I'm checking the 7 day forecast every other day so I know when the first warm day is before anyone else. Copped this beauty this weekend for the upcoming beach days.

(I look better in it by the way)

Twitter has been killing my blogging game so hard lately.