Monday, November 03, 2008

a blog entry about quitting myspace

I had a long internal monologue with myself last night and part of this morning about ending my myspace usage or deleting it altogether. How true is it that all the coolest people are the ones that don't even have a myspace??
I hate the fact that I find out about things involving my friends via myspace bulletin from a 3rd party. I hate the way its sometimes set up to make you feel like shit, and a lot of times not even on purpose. I think, especially this year in particular, I've used it more for evil rather than good. Actually, I don't even know how true that statement is, but I know that it has upset me more this year than any other prior. I hate that it hurts my feelings when my boyfriend doesn't respond to a message or comment, or the fact that I know there is a picture of him on his ex girlfriend's "about me"(which I find particularly sad but truely denotes how far from reality myspace actually is). I mean, when I speak to Charlie about 50 times a day, does it even matter if he responds back to me or not? No, of course not. I know this, but I think myspace is designed to make people feel shitty about themselves. It also contributes to half-assed friendships because people would rather settle for a comment than actually hang out. Granted, there are positive aspects to it, i.e. keeping in touch with friends from out of state and sometimes my friends even make me laugh via myspace comment/message. (I think the key is to use it sparingly maybe? Who knows)
I didn't just have some sort of epiphany and I definitely think about deleting my myspace every now and then. Will it happen? I'm not sure. Its become some sort of sick daily ritual but I hope one day a bunch of my friends will say "fuck it" and we can all destroy our myspaces together. (and probably, in secret, create new ones)
Click this link to find out why youtube is better than myspace:
and this one too:

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