Monday, April 27, 2009

This is what I had for dinner last night

This will always be delicious. Fuck the haters(if there are any).

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey, guess what?

My boyfriend makes me laugh harder than anyone in the entire universe.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I feel good about myself today

I haven't blogged in a while. I felt too boring. Maybe I still am. (Who cares?) I have a really bad habit of sleeping on my arms so sometimes when I wake up the joints in my elbows are sore. This is my reality this morning.

I want to start taking pictures of what I wear almost every day. I'm not the most creative dresser, but I always take the time to match my clothing with my shoes, with my makeup, etc. My Easter outfit was dope, I wish I would have documented it. It was all blue and hot pink. Once I start my clothing photo project(if you can call it that) I will wear it again just for evidence.

My hair is dyed so I feel pretty again. I've been really depressed about some weird things lately. I'm hoping I will get closure on them sometime in the near future. But today I feel good about myself. I feel good enough.
Our portrait from the Jamie Stewart solo show at The Boot came out great. This made me feel good, because I was sure I would look like shit, but it is just a great reminder of how much fun we had at that show and how happy I was to be there with Charlie. No one else can appreciate things like this with me but him.

I am at work for the first Thursday in a while. No more working from home, but at least I still have a job. They are moving our department to a new set of cubicles near a window. This makes me immensely happy because where I am at it is always night. I get out early tomorrow and it is pay day. Life is good at this moment.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Best shit ever

I cry everytime I watch this.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Once again

Last night I made the executive decision to go off my birth control again. Obviously and unfortunately, I have to wait until May when my next shot is due and I will see if they can put me on something else. I have been so crazy the last two months its outrageous. It gets even harder when I try to keep it all to myself so it doesn't affect my loved ones. My short fuse no longer exists, I feel like everyone is creeping behind my back and I am just so sad for absolutely no reason at all. I mean, its spring for god's sake, I should be at the top of my game. But I just feel terribly ugly, boring, irritated and paranoid. Normally, I'm so egotistical nobody can stand to be around me. Just kidding... sort of. I just realized that there is no way in hell I can spend another 3 months feeling like this. It's possible I will go off the deep-end and nobody wants that. I didn't even get the pleasure of the weight gain I was told I would have AND I've been on my period for about a month straight(TMI). Trust me, it gets annoying after a few days let alone an entire month. I have some kind of real or imagined personal turmoil I have to deal with every single day and I am sick of it. The beginning of this year has been utterly taxing and its starting to weigh heavily on me.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Intimate details

Man, can I hold a grudge! I was just thinking about it and I should get paid for it. If we are friends and you cross me, we may never speak again for the rest of our lives. And guess what? I probably won't give a fuck.
And If we've never spoken before, well, I might actually want you dead. No joke.

If someone wrongs you, cut them off. Period. I don't understand why you would continue a relationship with someone you dislike. Sorry if this makes me a bad person, But it seems like it would keep you from moving forward with you life. I'm pretty sure it does.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Holy Fuck!

This is definitley the cutest thing I've ever seen.