Thursday, April 16, 2009

I feel good about myself today

I haven't blogged in a while. I felt too boring. Maybe I still am. (Who cares?) I have a really bad habit of sleeping on my arms so sometimes when I wake up the joints in my elbows are sore. This is my reality this morning.

I want to start taking pictures of what I wear almost every day. I'm not the most creative dresser, but I always take the time to match my clothing with my shoes, with my makeup, etc. My Easter outfit was dope, I wish I would have documented it. It was all blue and hot pink. Once I start my clothing photo project(if you can call it that) I will wear it again just for evidence.

My hair is dyed so I feel pretty again. I've been really depressed about some weird things lately. I'm hoping I will get closure on them sometime in the near future. But today I feel good about myself. I feel good enough.
Our portrait from the Jamie Stewart solo show at The Boot came out great. This made me feel good, because I was sure I would look like shit, but it is just a great reminder of how much fun we had at that show and how happy I was to be there with Charlie. No one else can appreciate things like this with me but him.

I am at work for the first Thursday in a while. No more working from home, but at least I still have a job. They are moving our department to a new set of cubicles near a window. This makes me immensely happy because where I am at it is always night. I get out early tomorrow and it is pay day. Life is good at this moment.

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