Monday, September 01, 2008

end of summer

In typical Amber fashion, I swam for the first time on the official last day of summer. Charlie and I originally wanted a pool to swim in because its a little less gross for both of us. This plan fell through and we dragged our asses to 81st street. We made a quick stop at Target for zebra towels and a pair of swimming trunks at least one size too big. I generally loathe the beach and my brother even remarked that it was odd that I was even swimming there when I called to invite him out. We had a fucking blast and my pale ass even got a little sun. I even mastered the art of swimming without losing my sunglasses so the sun didn't burn my retinas. I've decided I would take it easy on the beach shit-talk from now on and I might even go back(gasp!).

On another note, I finally got to check out Halloween Planet, which I have stalkerishly(real word) driven by at least once a week for the last month and a half. I wasn't super impressed, although I'm not exactly sure what I expected. Their severed limbs were a bit pricey so I decided against buying any there. But I did pick up a good sized bottle of blood, a mustache for Charlie's disguse and a pair of black fence net thigh high tights. Knowing me I'll probably go back at least once or twice more and now I'm even more excited about the impending fall season.

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