Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This confuses and irritates me all at the same time:

Children that grow up to be insipid clones of their parents.

So unbelievably wack.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

warm weather version 2K9

I can't wait until its warm. I am making a list of all the things I want to do when I'm comfortable again.

-Wearing short skirts/dresses
-Asking other people if I can walk their dogs
-Swimming in the ocean, a pool, lake, whatever.
-Staying up late again.
-Mid-night graveyard romps.
-Foot/leg tattoos.
-Rita's everyday.
-Waxing my armpits.
-Riding my bike.
-Sleeping through thunderstorms with the windows open.
-Partying outside.

I could probably keep going and going, and I may add more. But you get the idea. Summer is amazing and this one should be epic.

Monday, March 23, 2009


A la Shannon Reed.
When things like this happen, I think we share a brain. Magic.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What's in a name?

Quoted by some random girl at the bar last night:
"You're the prettiest, most stylist Amber I have ever met. Any others I've met are fat and gross"

I guess that's why people hate that name. Sorry, my parents named me that.
I always thought it was a strippers name or something. Guess I was wrong.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New doc martens?

I am contemplating buying a new pair of Doc Martens. I want them 14-20 eye and black. But I happened to stumble across this really awesome pair on their website. Probably won't buy this particular pair, but rad nonetheless. I've had a pair since I was 16, but never really cared for the style that I got and wore them only a handful of times. I may go this weekend and try some on for shits and giggles. Hopefully I'll find the pair that gets me all hot and bothered. I think they would look so hot with a skirt.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

white wine vs. red wine vs champagne

Can I take a second and give you my opinion on wine? Of course I can, its my blog and you're reading it. So, let me just say that all wines that you could consider white or even pink are for white trash and all red wines are for classy motherfuckers, like myself.
Unless, you are drinking a box of red wine, in which case you can go ahead and get in the trailer with the rest of them.
This, of course, does not include champagne which is the preferred drink of all ballers. Unless you're drinking Andre, then you might be a hobo.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

And that's as real as true love

So, tomorrow I've basically been with Charlie for an entire year. Although we would both admit to watching each other from afar before that. Normally this wouldn't faze me and if it were someone else I would be looking for a way out of the relationship way before this. But, I have finally met the one person that understands me, the only person that I could put all of my trust into, and a hot best friend I get to wake up next to practically every morning.
The first time we ever hung out was at the Greening of Ghent last year, and it was like something in our brains automatically clicked. It all still feels just as epic and exciting as it did a year ago and I highly doubt you will find two people more happy. I will love this man until the day I die. And I am glad neither of us had to settle for someone that was just "good enough".

C. Spring, 2008

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

He thinks he's people

(Hannah, I wrote this blog entry for you.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2 things

1. Please, if you're going to dye your hair, keep up with it. Dying it twice a year and letting your roots grow for that long is just disgusting and lazy. Kind of like wearing sweatpants in public. Gross.
2. I get to see this guy in less than 4 days <3<3

Monday, March 09, 2009

Friday, March 06, 2009

The cutest thing I saw all day

Oh my god!

I want to snuggle this little baby!

bad day, ending pretty good

I got my purple Vans Authentics in the mail today...totally excited. Best Authentics since the red ones. Got to spend some much needed quality time with my parents and do some laundry at the same time. I also get out of work after lunch tomorrow, which is one of my favorite things in the whole world. Plus, nice weather this weekend I am hearing. And you know how I feel about that.
BarNone tomorrow night, I think. Usually a pretty great time, except smelling like smoke afterwards, I hate that shit even though I smoke. Don't really enjoy smelling like an ashtray.
I've been reading Baby Sinead's blog on the regular now. That shit is a legit sex blog.
Hit that shit up if you want to see some naked ladies and a few boners.
Bed time.
Love you(maybe),

P.S. I have the most amazing and sexy boyfriend. Lucky girl I am(yoda speak)

Monday, March 02, 2009


Neko Case and Cursive, in the same week(sort of)....yes, please!
Neko Case's "Middle Cyclone" is definitely legit, it will probably be one of my favorite releases of 2009.
I'm currently in the middle of my first listen of Cursive's "Mama, I'm Swollen". I wish I would have never listened to The Good Life because sometimes when I listen to newer Cursive that's what I think of...and I HATE The Good Life. That band is such a snooze-fest and if you like Cursive, please save yourself the heartache. Also, in my opinion, they will never surpass The Ugly Organ. Its in my top 10 favorite albums. But nonetheless I'm looking out for tour dates though, I'm pretty sure the last time I saw them was 2006(?).