Thursday, March 12, 2009

And that's as real as true love

So, tomorrow I've basically been with Charlie for an entire year. Although we would both admit to watching each other from afar before that. Normally this wouldn't faze me and if it were someone else I would be looking for a way out of the relationship way before this. But, I have finally met the one person that understands me, the only person that I could put all of my trust into, and a hot best friend I get to wake up next to practically every morning.
The first time we ever hung out was at the Greening of Ghent last year, and it was like something in our brains automatically clicked. It all still feels just as epic and exciting as it did a year ago and I highly doubt you will find two people more happy. I will love this man until the day I die. And I am glad neither of us had to settle for someone that was just "good enough".

C. Spring, 2008

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