Sunday, May 31, 2009

Date night @ The Boot

Charlie and I had an amazing date night on Friday at The Boot. Josh was an amazing host and even sat and chatted us up over manhattans and sidecars. The food was great as usual.
Charlie had the steak.

I had the duck, it was so good. So much for the veg diet.
After that, we went to Colley Cantina, watched Dave Blevins spin some great music and drank a few Modelos. Then we went home and I let Charlie fishhook me. It ruled.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

tiny turtle

So, my mom found this tiny turtle hatchling and luckily I got to see him before we let him go. I hope he makes it to adult hood. He is absolutely adorable. I enjoyed hanging out with him for a brief time on Monday. Good luck my little friend, I hope you return to say what's up later on.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Food guide, summer 2009

Here's a list of my favorite things and places to eat lately.
1. Eggplant Parm from Neighbor's
2. Do-nut Dinette chickette on rye, lettuce, tomato, mayo.
3. Yorgo's vegan BLT
4. Eggs Benedict from Doc Taylor's
5. Chipotle vegetarian burrito
6. Ruby Tuesday's salad bar
7. Tortilla West 75 cent taco nights(Monday & Tuesday)
8. Tad's deli tuna salad.
And if you've never had limeade from Doumar's its fucking delicious and I highly recommend it. Also, as far as drinks go, I'm obsessed with Vitamin Water flavor cherry-berry(Sync) and Red Bull. Soda, as usual, can suck a dick.
This entry only made me more hungry and regretful of the lunch choices I have at work today(i.e. easy mac).
I am so stoked on food right now, though.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Adventures in horticulture pt.I

Earlier this spring I attempted to grow cherry tomatoes. It was still chilly out, so I didn't think they would do well if i sat them out on the balcony. I began growing them in a window in my living room. They sprouted quickly and were pretty much my babies. I tended to them twice a day, made sure they were warm, in proper sun, and watered. Then one morning Georgia decided to knock the bucket off the windowsill and that was that. Needless to say I was a bit heartbroken over the whole situation."Remember the time I broke everything you loved?"

So, fast forward to about a month and a half later. I happened to come across a kit for a sensitive plant. I was stoked because if I could tell you what my favorite plant was it would probably be this one. I don't think I can convey in words(this is a total lie, I'm just lazy) what this plant does so I have embedded a video for your viewing pleasure.

I like inanimate objects that I can interact with.Here is a picture of my babies, they are tiny. (Sorry for the shitty photo quality, but you should get used to it.)
I have a bonsai kit I might mess with soon, but I'm not sure how into that I am. I would like to get a planter for the balcony and try and grow a few flowers and maybe something edible. I will update when and if this comes to fruition.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Crime Scene Cleanup

I'm trying to get my hands on this book asap:

I'm looking into this as a job in the future. Who knows how my morbid curiousity will pan out, but I hear its excellent money. I'll post gory videos when I get off work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This weekend

Saturday, in Chesapeake:

Also, I'm trying to drink away my feelings, maybe eat some eggplant parm, hang out at the oceanfront and maybe go to the go-go bar. I got my new phone last night, Lotus, even though I said I wouldn't get that phone but it just kept calling my name and I love it already.

Also, I got so stoked when Charlie and I talked about finally covering-up my butterfly tattoo and having a summer free of wackness. And check out the Restless blog( for pictures from RVA last Saturday. Lots of goodness.

We are doing a meat-free thing right now, so I am thinking of all the delicious vegetarian meals I enjoy. Number 1 right now being Chipotle vegetarian burritos. So tasty. Eggplant parm is close second, as usual. I can't commit to anything, so I'm not expecting it to last. I'm mad flaky.

Once I get new batteries for my camera, I'll start posting more photo blogs for all 3 of you readers.

p.s. I feel mad paranoid and crazy today, fyi! (Who cares??)

Monday, May 11, 2009

You're gonna get cancer!

Crabs smoking. Do they even have lungs??

Saturday, May 02, 2009

I really want this

Its a tentacle dildo, and I WANT it. Since my birthday isn't until November, can we make up a holiday in the meantime where people receive gifts?