Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Food guide, summer 2009

Here's a list of my favorite things and places to eat lately.
1. Eggplant Parm from Neighbor's
2. Do-nut Dinette chickette on rye, lettuce, tomato, mayo.
3. Yorgo's vegan BLT
4. Eggs Benedict from Doc Taylor's
5. Chipotle vegetarian burrito
6. Ruby Tuesday's salad bar
7. Tortilla West 75 cent taco nights(Monday & Tuesday)
8. Tad's deli tuna salad.
And if you've never had limeade from Doumar's its fucking delicious and I highly recommend it. Also, as far as drinks go, I'm obsessed with Vitamin Water flavor cherry-berry(Sync) and Red Bull. Soda, as usual, can suck a dick.
This entry only made me more hungry and regretful of the lunch choices I have at work today(i.e. easy mac).
I am so stoked on food right now, though.

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