Monday, May 25, 2009

Adventures in horticulture pt.I

Earlier this spring I attempted to grow cherry tomatoes. It was still chilly out, so I didn't think they would do well if i sat them out on the balcony. I began growing them in a window in my living room. They sprouted quickly and were pretty much my babies. I tended to them twice a day, made sure they were warm, in proper sun, and watered. Then one morning Georgia decided to knock the bucket off the windowsill and that was that. Needless to say I was a bit heartbroken over the whole situation."Remember the time I broke everything you loved?"

So, fast forward to about a month and a half later. I happened to come across a kit for a sensitive plant. I was stoked because if I could tell you what my favorite plant was it would probably be this one. I don't think I can convey in words(this is a total lie, I'm just lazy) what this plant does so I have embedded a video for your viewing pleasure.

I like inanimate objects that I can interact with.Here is a picture of my babies, they are tiny. (Sorry for the shitty photo quality, but you should get used to it.)
I have a bonsai kit I might mess with soon, but I'm not sure how into that I am. I would like to get a planter for the balcony and try and grow a few flowers and maybe something edible. I will update when and if this comes to fruition.

1 comment:

shannon said...

i got the sensitive plant kit too! i hope i dont kill them.