Friday, October 17, 2008

Arterial spray paints the carpet

I've had 30 Day of Night for about 7 or 8 months, but every time I've watched it I've been preoccupied with other things so I never really got to get into it or finish it. But last night Charlie and I decided to really watch it. Fuck! This movie was so intense that I had nightmares! No joke, like a 5 year old, woke up drenched in sweat at least twice. The gore was fantastic, people died in that movie in almost every way you could kill someone. There were quite a few life-like decapitations. Blood on snow always looks great in my opinion. Okay, so vampires with super human strength, rows of razor sharp teeth, and knife-like talons that can roam around for 30 days without worrying about the dangers of lethal UV rays...amazing! This is highly recommended. There is also a graphic novel this movie is based off of that I'm trying to read in the near future. Now I pretty much want to watch this movie every single day of my life.

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