Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"goth cougars are the best kind"

At around 2:00 yesterday I randomly found out that Danzig was going to be in Richmond. I called Charlie and we decided that since neither of us had seen him before that we should make the trip up there after I got off of work. I think we headed that way around 7 or so. Since we didn't really care to see any of the opening bands we figured that the later we got there the better. We had to sit through Dimmu Borgir which was fucking hilarious and horrible all at the same time. I think its funny when bands take themselves way too seriously, and that was how they appeared to me. Some of the band members were wearing "soccer is not for pussies" shin guards. If you've ever seen this band's "uniform", then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. No, I'm kidding. I'm going to start listening to black metal.

But rewind to 10 years prior. I'm 16 and for some reason had to go out of town with my parents for the weekend. When I get back all my friends are like "we went and saw Danzig, it was awesome and you missed it." So this trip was 10 years in the making in a way. And although I might have rather seen him then, this was Satan's Child era I believe, it was definitely essential. Charlie called it something to cross off of his "bucket list". I can totally agree on that.

And although I knew it to be somewhat of a farce, I heard he was playing Misfits songs. This never happened but a girl can dream can't she? We also missed the meet and greet. This was fine, I have an awkward track record when it comes to meeting band people. i.e. "deer in headlights".

And I wasn't going to mention this but his comb over had an epic fail the entire show, but he is an older man so this was expected, I guess. But I love him. He had a integral part in my adolesence. But here is how I rate the bands he was in: Misfits>Samhain>Danzig. Always in that order.

There were gross, sweaty boobs and gut pieces everywhere by the end of the show. And I was excited to see Alley, Justin, and Aaron out last night as well. Driving 2 hours just to see a man when I have to get up at 6am is crazy, but I guess we were all committed. It was awesome, the entire thing, even the trip there and back. I'm working with 4 hours of sleep. I just wish he would have played "soul on fire" and wore the lobster hands. But whatever.

1 comment:

tell-tale sign said...

Yo girl, it's Cori.

I told Charlie about seeing Danzig playing skulls the last time I saw him, and he most definitely did. So it's not a farce, I promise, haha.