Monday, October 13, 2008

Look Alive Project-10/12/08

This event was pretty amazing and super fun. Although I have to say there was a point where I drank too much and don't remember much of the end. Blackout time. So, if someone could fill me in on what happened from about 8:30 on, that would be great. I bought an awesome wallet that Cori made. It has a nude woman with huge boobs AND a huge bush inside of it. The Restless Bodies booth looked great, and I think it was being shared by at least 5 other artists but it all worked out very well. I'd like to thank MSYiii for a)spilling an entire beer in the passenger seat of my car and b)selling the painting I told him I wanted to buy.
The Granby Theater has tons of very steep stairs and I'm thankful I didn't drunkenly tumble down them all. I was surprisingly graceful.

Glad to see both Serrano sisters. Hannah, your text this morning was priceless: "Oh god, last night! Serrano sisters are such messy drunks." Love it. Good to see both Chris and Shannon out, too.
On a side note, when I talk about buying prints of artwork. In my head I always think "Prince". And by that I mean this guy:

And did I mention I love my boyfriend? Thank you for taking care of my stupid, drunk ass and making sure I drank lots of water before bed so I wasn't ridiculously hung over for work this morning.
Also, I had Hardee's breakfast for the first time ever this morning. It was pretty good. Motherfuckers forgot to put cheese on my sausage, egg and cheese biscuit though. (insert sad face) And now I want to go back to bed. Its going to be a long day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at 9pm, we fucked